Welcome to Enfance Harmonieuse
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ONG Enfance Harmonieuse is devoted to providing holistic help and support to the children in the Ivory Coast. Our main activities focus on developing the Socio-Education Complex in the small village of Brobo. This includes a kindergarten with over 120 pupils from unprivileged families who would not otherwise be able to receive education at all.
For now, we have completed the construction of the classrooms, sanitation, dining hall, and recently - a fully equipped playground. In the future, however, we wish to provide a boarding for children with disabilities, as well as a social center to fully provide the local community with support in educating the youngest ones.

We are pleased to announce the launching of a heart adoption program, where everyone - an individual or a company can fund an academic scholarship for the most talented children of Brobo, or adopt a child with disabilities! The list of children participating in the program can be found on our partner's website under this link: globalawarnessmovement.
The long-term vision of Enfance Harmonieuse is to create a learning space inclusive for all children. Thus, our next goal is to build housing for children with disabilities where pupils coming from the neighboring villages could stay overnight, receiving necessary rehabilitation and medical treatment as well as empowering parents with knowledge of occupational therapy they can implement to better their quality of life.
With that goal deeply rooted in our hearts, we kindly ask you for your support. You can support our initiative by making a donation via our Buy Me a Coffee fanpage. To do that, simply click the link below or scan the QR code. Then, in the right panel, enter the donation and proceed with the payment. LINK

Learn more about our most recent happenings...
The official commencement of a polio vaccination drive held on September 22, 2023, at the Centre d'Action Communautaire pour l'Enfance (CACE) Père Vincent Guéry de Koundanou in Brobo. The campaign's primary objective was to effectively combat polio and was organized through the collaboration of the Departmental Health Directorate, the NGO Enfance Harmonieuse, and CACE. The launch event aimed to raise parental awareness regarding the significance of immunizing their children against polio.

Kouadio Kouamé René, elaborated on why CACE was chosen for this event, citing their successful involvement in a prior national campaign. The Departmental Health Directorate recognized their adeptness at organizing such campaigns and the critical role they played in mobilizing the community. Doctor Irie Bi Vanié, the Departmental Director of the Bouaké North-East Health District, and Mr. Krou N'Guessan Mathieu, the deputy CPEV for the Bouaké Nord-Est district, emphasized the importance of vaccinating children to safeguard them from various diseases, including polio. Following the launch, it fell upon the team led by Doctor Ahipo Poll Amédé to vaccinate all children in the Brobo health area between September 22 and 25, 2023.
Local residents expressed gratitude for the campaign and urged all parents to ensure their children received the polio vaccine to secure their health and prevent future motor disabilities. Mr. Ekonan Aloueké Antoine, the sub-prefect of Brobo, oversaw the proceedings and encouraged the organizers to serve as advocates for the Ministries of Health and Social Affairs, ensuring the success of the campaign. He extended appreciation to various individuals and organizations for selecting Brobo as the launch location and commended the strong community mobilization efforts. Furthermore, he called upon the NGO Enfance Harmonieuse and parents to be vocal advocates for the vaccination campaign in the Canton Ahaly-Brobo region.
GAM is an NGO established in Poland, where it brings together young people to implement global projects. In 2022, the organisation received the Humanitarian & Activist Award. The organization works with Enfance Harmonieuse enabling heart scholarships and fundraising for a boarding school for children with disabilities in Brobo.
For further information click the link: globalawarnessmovement

Meet Koffi Akissi Céline, a 15-year-old girl hailing from a low-income farming family. Despite her tender age, Céline has been bravely facing the hurdles of recurrent epileptic seizures and right-hand paresis for quite some time. These medical challenges are entirely manageable, holding the potential to grant Céline daily relief and restore her ability to function normally. Through the support of a funded scholarship, we have the amazing chance to work a true miracle and orchestrate a profound metamorphosis in the life of this young girl.
Massive THANK YOU to the founder of Céline's scholarship! Would you be interested in sponsoring a scholarship for one of our pupils, please find the list of our recommended children at the following LINK.

(click on any of the titles to read the full article)

23 September 2023
On September 22, 2023, the polio vaccination campaign was officially launched at the Centre d'Action Communautaire pour l'Enfance (CACE) Père Vincent Guéry de Koundanou in Brobo. Organized in collaboration with the Departmental Health Directorate, NGO Enfance Harmonieuse, and CACE, the event aimed to raise parental awareness about the importance of immunizing their children against polio. The choice of CACE was based on their successful involvement in previous campaigns. Doctors emphasized the necessity of vaccination, and following the launch, Dr. Ahipo Poll Amédé's team undertook the vaccination of children in the Brobo health area until September 25, 2023. Local residents expressed gratitude and urged all parents to ensure their children receive the polio vaccine. The sub-prefect of Brobo, Mr. Ekonan Aloueké Antoine, supervised the event, commended the organizers, and called for continued advocacy to guarantee campaign success in the Canton Ahaly-Brobo region.

Agence Ivoirienne de Presse
3 December 2022
The article reports on the launch of the second round of nutrition activities in Brobo, Côte d'Ivoire. The initiative aims to improve the nutritional status of children under five and pregnant women in the region by providing education on healthy eating habits, promoting breastfeeding, and providing nutritional supplements. The article describes the various activities planned for the initiative, including community meetings, workshops, and training for health workers. The program being implemented gained support by the government, with support from UNICEF and other partners.

Agence Ivoirienne de Presse
18 November 2022
The article discusses the importance of nutrition in child development and socialization in Côte d'Ivoire. The authors emphasize that proper nutrition during the first 1,000 days of a child's life is crucial for their physical, cognitive, and social development. The article explores how traditional Ivorian foods can provide the necessary nutrients for children, and highlights the importance of promoting local food production and consumption, as well as the need for education and awareness-raising around the importance of nutrition for child development. All in all, it is the role of parents, caregivers, and communities in promoting good nutrition practices and creating a supportive environment for children to grow and develop.